

via Migliara 58 n.84
04019 B.go Hermada, Terracina (LT)

Starting from Rome

Take the S.S. 7 Appia, direction to Naples; at the 100 km marker you will find the crossway to S.S. 148 Pontina; taking the first exit on the left to B.go Hermada you will be on Via Migliara 58; at the n.84 marker you will find our work site on your left.

Starting from Naples

Take the Domitiana street and then the S.S. Flacca, direction to Terracina. After the tunnel to Terracina, you will exit in front of the crossway with the S.S. 148 Pontina; on the S.S. 148 Pontina, the third exit on the right to B.go Hermada will drive you to Via Migliara 58; at the n.84 marker you will find our work site on your left.

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